Print Publications


The Environmental Headache in Your Shampoo
(for Cold Spring Harbor Labs)

As little as two centuries ago, the northern edge of the island of Borneo, home to Malaysia’s Sarawak state, was covered in a verdant canopy that stretched, uninterrupted, from shore to shore…
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Uncovering the Spark of Life
(Nautilus Magazine)

This summer, NASA’s Perseverance rover will set out on a voyage to the edge of the Jezero crater on Mars. In the dust that scours the ancient carbonate rocks …
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The Need for Caution in the New Space Race
(Quillette Magazine)

On May 30th, 2020, SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket launched from NASA’s facility at Cape Canaveral. Hidden in the roar of the thrusters was the crack of a starting gun…
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If We Find Life on Mars, What Might It Be Like?
(Astronomy Magazine)

The outer solar system harbors a number of tantalizing satellites that could potentially harbor life. But according to many, the best place in our solar system to search for a second tree of life is on Mars…
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Here are some interviews we recorded for our own podcast, but we can easily re-imagine and produce insightful dialogues specific to your group.



Here is a set of custom graphics from a few of our publications, contracts, and collaborations.



Here is a sample of cover-art that we’ve prepared for some of our clients and blogs.

Film Scoring for Science:


Evaporation-Powered Devices in Action

Collaboration with the Sahin Lab at Columbia University. Here, we have scored & recorded the soundtrack for this tech demo.